These are just observations I made last night as I spent most of my day on a bus stuck in traffic on my way back from New York.
New Jersey1. Ive been to New Jersey more times than I care to think about and I have never encountered a part that made think "Oh OK now I know why they call this the garden state." it looks more like the factory planet Aliens takes place on.
2. Once you get past the Mad Max parts of New Jersey every well travelled road looks like its surrounded by truck stops as far as the eye can see.
The Bus1. One of the most unpleasant experiences in life is riding on a fully loaded China Town Bus.
2. 1st of all 75% of the travelers on the bus are not the most savory of characters. Combined there must at least one good century of prison time among the various travelers on any given bus ride.
3. I try to be respectful of other peoples space on the bus. Were already in pretty cramped quarters as it is. But try as I might to stay to my own space the Space Invaders always find a way to charge past the neutral zone and ruin my ride. It never fails that I will be sitting there minding my own business and boom the person next to me has crossed the neutral zone and their leg is wedged up against mine or the occasional heavy sleeper is resting their head on my shoulder.
4. The bus is never on time. Its either extremely early since the guy driving the bus is most likely a meth head who has no concern for the safety of himself or others. OR the bus is extremely late because the bus driver is on some kind of downer who just thinks hes driving 100 mph when hes burying the needle at a steady 45mph
ConclusionI cant say I totally hate New Jersey. It does offer Floorpunch, shore style, and Atlantic City.
As for the China Town Bus, it does offer a wonderful glimpse of fucked up people doing fucked up things and that's always a treat. But fuck sitting in traffic on a bus for 9 hours. There nothing good that could be said about that.